The Sighthound

Through hell and back

Did you know that in several countries the sigthounds are not a pet?

This homepage is all about sighthounds and specially the ones who suffer in the hands of bad people. Lurchers, greyhounds, galgos, podencos and others. About their lack of value, hard life, demands and destiny.
You are about to take part of the destiny of several dogs life. From sadness to happy endings.

You can find links to some serious adoptions agencies in Sweden and Denmark and rescues in Ireland and Spain who do all they can to save sighthounds.

I am going to promote some dogs  a little bit extra. Dogs who are old, dogs who can't deal with a life in a kennel or dogs who have been in the shelter for a long time.

If you have questions about the dogs or adoptions please go to the adoptions agencies or the shelters homepage by following the links on their page.

Do you have a speciell request about a dog but you have not found the right one, maybe I can help you through my contacts.

The countries I work with are Sweden, Ireland and Spain.

My purpose with this homepage is to spread the trouth about the torture and mistreated sighthounds in the world.
The sighthounds do not follow under pet laws in Ireland  . They follow under farm animals laws.

I am working to translate my homepage to English as fast as I can 😉

Do you want to sponsor my homepage or do you want to advertise your company?
Please contact me 

(The money I might get helps me with the cost with the homepage and arrangements/events I will do in the future. )

/ Susanne

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There are several ways to help. You can adopt, foster a dog, help out as a volunteer on certain rescues, donate money and things such as food, quilts, blankets, etc. You can also become a monthly donor or sponsor a dog on various rescues. All information about this can be found on the respective association's website. In some cases I post some information and links here on the page.