The dog in the bottle-Updates from Galgos Del Sol
Bottie not only had a bottle on her head but also two injured legs to deal with. She has a broken knee on a back leg and a nasty infection on the front leg. So much suffering in the middle of summer... how she survived is a miracle ❤️
I told María José HM we are not leaving without her. We will have to pass out from heat stroke before we give up. WE'VE got her. She's safe!!!! 💪💪💪💪 help us celebrate by donating just a few euros, the price of a coffee is all we ask to continue this kind of work. Let's get that water bottle off her head now... 💪 she has suffered enough and now it's time for the sweet life 🙏
Our day is dedicated with María José HM to catching this poor galga living on the streets in summer with a bottle stuck on her head 💖
Follow the link to the donationpage at Galgos Del Sol's Facebookpage